Nothing much happen today. Lazy to wake up this morning, mum told me the flower bloomed. Shower, had breakfast and took my digicam, took photos of the flower and left for work. Seems like lotsa car today, that's odd. Hmmm...Arrived around 8am, lucky! Got parking. Had rice + sambal terung + fried fish + soup for lunch and now I'm alone at office. Boring~I took some photos yesterday, hmm, a butterfly (the butterfly actually landed somewhere when my brother was doing some flapping of his own). I was lucky to be able to take some shots till my mum came and make the butterfly flew away. Besides that, I took shots the brown caterpillar again. Hmm, oh and the new kitty! :DThey should definately do something about the office door. No security. Imagine if ppl come here and rob us? *shite~
Late salary *pftttttt. *calculating. heheh~ I spent more than I suppose to. *sigh~ >_<" dead for next mth. Oh well, must not get anything. I must not. Anyways, I forced the auntie cleaner (i call her makcik) to bank-in money to her ASB account. Heheh. I bank-in my money to my account so I dun get to use it. >_<" Hopefully I'll survive. *puhh~~~Walk 2 blocks to bank is not that bad. But it does when u have to cross the roads and sometimes u came across some stewped driver who didn't wanna give way. Like this stewped lunatic driving a Kenari. Cannot see ppl ah!? Think you own the road izzit? *breathe~ on the way back, went to one of the restaurant to "tapau" lunch. Not feeling hungry yet. When I get back to the office, some stewped ppl had smoke in the building, I barely can breathe. Imagine you're in a box full of smoke. Simple way for "D E A T H" *pfttttt~. And why this "pakcik kambing" here again?!? Wanna take free newspaper again la that. Hmmm. Go lunch huhuhu~
So the latest update on my back. Here's the latest photo.
So I woke up around 7 something in the morning becoz of the sms from my mum. I went downstairs to look for my cat, Timmie. He was indeed hungry coz he didn't want to sleep with me. Around 8 something, shower, went to Gaya Street for breakfast. Had "Kon Lou Mee with chicken" at Tien Tien. Walk around Gaya Street. Mum bought few plants. They call it "Pokok Ati Ati"? No idea but there's a lot of different shapes and colors. Cost her RM4 - RM5 each. She bought some cut ones, cost her around RM1 each. She bought orchid and pitcher (periuk kera) plant. I can say total she spent today for those plants is RM48.
Ohhhh, I'm so attracted to the water lily. Somebody bought it for RM65 *sigh. Even if the small one cost RM28. Shite! I dun care. I'm so getting it next week!!!! >_<" Anyways, I took some flowers at Gaya Street. Ohhhh, so many ppl, I gotta say. Tourist! Lotsa em. And I notice lotsa Brunei cars around. Hmmm... oh and lotsa ppl selling puppies and bunnies. No kitties. Bought mint flavoured cotton candy! hehe. My bro pick us up around noon. Went to CPS (Centre Point Sabah) coz he wanted to get thumb drive. Bought some buns and bought Kenny Rogers half chicken for dinner. Oh, bought 1901? or izzit 1902? *confused hotdogs for lunch. Went home and took some photos of flowers and caterpillars.

There's two kinds of caterpillar I took today. The 1st one is called Monarch Caterpillar which will turn into Monarch Butterfly (the orange black color type). I dunno wut's the brown caterpillar called. My mum told me that there's a green color one. I wish I can find it and take photos of it :D
It was raining yesterday. Electricity cut off 2 times. *sigh~ I had chicken for dinner. Oh I watch the movie "Carla & Connie" on HBO. Think it's a really nice movie. Kekekeke. Today will accompany mum to Gaya Street again.
Saturday is always a waste of time. Nobody wants to come. I decided to come coz I dun wanna waste my annual leave. I still got maybe 27 days for the whole year. Seem so little. There's only 5 of us here. I haven't finish cleaning acing's comic yet. A bit lazy.I was helping mum to email some ppl yesterday. And becoz of my itchy fingers, I was peeling my skin every now and then. Oo and guess wut? It's all reddish last nite coz I peel too much of it. Ouchie~ I can't help but being annoyed OK!?!Makcik gave me some kuih "penjaram" today. A mix with peanut. I wonder if it taste gewd. Hmmm..beside that, I was helping mum to print her name to her cert. Hmm it's not that hard to adjust it but er I think I print it a bit "senget".
It's Friday! Yet another lazy day for work. As usual, got out of the house around 7:30am, reach office around before 8am. What annoys me the most, "slow drivers". Hmmm, can't help it. Hate em! Imagine you came across car with the lesen "L"? DIE! Slow shite! Even at traffic light. O ME GAWD!!! It's like I wanna kill myself. Huh~ *breahte. I had "nasi lemak" for brunch. Bored. I was cleaning some of acing's old comics. Heheh was in the mood to collect. Ok I'm bored. I need to sleep.
Today's Wish: What I hope is for my other half to feel better :D
Huhuhuhu my skins are peeling off and I got really itchy fingers. I WANNA PEEL IT OFF!!!! But mum scold me >_<" shite~
I've just realize that I didn't do an "intro". Anyway, it's not my first time having bloggies. I change to one blog and the other. Must be my laziness? Still trying to make my blog look nice. Wait and see~ woopa~
I wanted to share this photo for a very long time now. I think it's a very interesting signboard.
Everyone must be wondering where I was. I haven't been online for quite some time. I can say a week? It all started last Wednesday (15th March 2006), if I could remember this correctly. I was having problem with the line at work. I've checked everything. The telephone line, the streamyx connection and even the modem. I couldn't seem to find the problem. Been calling few ppl to come and help me check and finally today when I on my computer, the line is ok. Ok, I have to bare that in mind that when my connection got problem, I must call Telekom direct!!!!I had my brothers DVD for quite some time now. So then, since I couldn't online for a week at work, I brought those DVDs to work and watch em. So, for yesterday (whole day), I was watching "Naruto" Episode 1 till er 17 I think. It was fun!!! I was laffing so hard alone with my earphone.
18th March 2006 (Saturday)
Yeah, so it's Saturday and my mum had planned to go fishing with my brother. Like they always do. I somehow woke up early. Normally I would sleep till 10am. I wonder wut's with the excitement? It's not that I like fishing so much? More to taking photos. Anyways, we went to eat "Kon Lou Mee" at this chinese restaurant below Cosway, opposite RazzMaTazz? Tasty! After that, we went to Waterfront, but somehow my brother didn't wanna fish there. So, we went to Putatan instead. It was already 10am-ish when we got there. So yeah, being my blur and stewped self, I was wearing a sleeveless top. Ogie, imagine how the sun could do to ur skin at the time like that? Yes, sun burnt my skin. And now my skin is half-half. >_<" we stayed there till noon. My bro couldn't stand it coz it was so hot. Mum still wanna fish. Anyways, my mum caught 3 medium sized fish and my bro caught 10 (more or less) small fishies. I took some photo. Well maybe 30-ish. After fishing, we went to eat at Restoran Sri Keningau (I wonder if I got the correct restaurant?), we had mee goreng. Then we went to Wisma Merdeka to meet my auntie, well, my bro went to KK Plaza. Went to Karamunsing and it's already 6pm. Finally, went to Gunter's for dinner. We noticed everyone came in and left coz they wanted to eat the "low cost" meal. Noted: It's only available on weekdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm (if I'm not mistaken).
So, here is the proof of sunburning my skin >_<"