I woke up at 6am this morning. Juz to check water. No, still no water. Guess I'll be taking shower at Sport Complex after all -_-".
I got an uneasy feeling today. That something bad gonna happen if I leave the house.
Well, lemme start by when I left the house after 7:30am. I nearly bang a van. Not juz any van. Those public mini bus. -_-" erk~ I seriously did check before going forward. Seriously. Somehow this stewped mini van decided to get in to the lane that I was in -_-" urgh~
Arrived at Sport Complex at 8am-ish. Took shower and when I'm done it's nearly 9am. Was gonna send my sis to work after that but, my car couldn't start *sigh. Called my bro for help. And he did. He sent my sis to work, then got the battery, bring back to my car and fixed it. *sigh.
I left right after and when I got home it's already 10am. *sigh. Speechless. When I was about to get into my house, I realize one of my tyre covers (the one that covers the nut) is gone. Adoi~ -_-" and the number of this post is 444 crap!
-_-" aiyak~ so cham~
I need to eat...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Life couldn't get any worst ... without ... WATER!!!! @_@
NoooooooooooOOOooooooooooooooo.. back up tank gone!!! Er, literally speaking. No water left T_T oi i manage to mandi this morning ogie! T_T haihs~ now liasing with my dad's secretary about the contractor to come and fix it *sigh~ haihs
I had a conversation with my sister this morning on the way to work.
These are the solution we could think of (actually I lol-ed at every single of the solution she came up with):
Things could happen to u without water *cough cough.
Anyways, this morning my dad smsed me from Hanoi. Asked me to check his email about his appointment today -_-" adoi~ Sent him back the details after browsing through few emails and some website *cough.
Thank gawd my dad's secretary will liase with my bro about the water thing XD Mas is supa hungry! T_T
I haven't eat since morning woo~
Ahh enuff about water. I nearly forgot about to tell the story about wut happen at work yesterday ^^;
Remember my previous blog post, I mentioned something happened during the raya party? Well, it's not finish yet. 2 of them were yelling at each other and playing the blame game. Trust me, I was even included in the conversation. Wait more like everyone is. *confused. And the auntie cleaner's daughter were crying and running from one colleague to the other. She was scared of her mother. *confused. Lucky for me, I have my own room. *rofl. So, there I was, playing ndsl, minding my own business XD
I still can't sort out the story since I'm confused whether it was becoz of money, salad, rice or drinks *rofl~
I had a conversation with my sister this morning on the way to work.
These are the solution we could think of (actually I lol-ed at every single of the solution she came up with):
- Go to Sport Complex and take shower there *lol. This cost RM5?
- Pay to stay at any backpackers lodge. Just for the sake of taking shower before and after work XD and maybe laundry.
- "Tumpang" ppl's house and shower. In this case, I couldn't think of any of my relative coz I dun think there's any here. *rofl. Even there is, we're not in gewd terms. Wait! I juz remember one of my aunt. But I dunno where she stay XD omg~ We got tons of frens we could "tumpang mandi" but way awkward. XD Oh and my sis said her colleague also one of the solution to "tumpang mandi" *rofl. So funny.
Things could happen to u without water *cough cough.
Anyways, this morning my dad smsed me from Hanoi. Asked me to check his email about his appointment today -_-" adoi~ Sent him back the details after browsing through few emails and some website *cough.
Thank gawd my dad's secretary will liase with my bro about the water thing XD Mas is supa hungry! T_T
I haven't eat since morning woo~
Ahh enuff about water. I nearly forgot about to tell the story about wut happen at work yesterday ^^;
Remember my previous blog post, I mentioned something happened during the raya party? Well, it's not finish yet. 2 of them were yelling at each other and playing the blame game. Trust me, I was even included in the conversation. Wait more like everyone is. *confused. And the auntie cleaner's daughter were crying and running from one colleague to the other. She was scared of her mother. *confused. Lucky for me, I have my own room. *rofl. So, there I was, playing ndsl, minding my own business XD
I still can't sort out the story since I'm confused whether it was becoz of money, salad, rice or drinks *rofl~
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Water Issue
We're currently depending on our back up tank for water. Our "neighbour" owez come to us for water supply. My mum owez the kind one who owez supply them water. Considering not only 1 "neighbour" we supply water to. I'm owez annoyed if the kids from there come here and shout "auntie auntie" calling for my mother. Too loud. Especially if I juz woke up and I had to listen to dat, I juz ignore them. Since my mum is not around, they sort of came here few times. Even my sis and bro told them dat my mum is not around or we dun haf any water, they keep on coming back. Gawd so annoying. Go get the pipe done la *sigh~ -_-" I think somebody sabotage our pipe hmm.
O.O I haven't do laundry yet coz I can't T_T I'm still thinking wut I should wear to work tomolo. Maybe I should wear baju kurung or my skirt? O.O omg~ the horror. Anyways, I dun really like to wear skirt to work coz somehow, my colleague got a way of asking too much question if I wear different than usual *sigh. Ni lah bz bodies ni -_-"
I had deep fried talapia, kailan fried with garlic and tom yam soup for dinner today. Forget about breakfast and lunch. Coz I had indo mee for breakfast and nothing for lunch hehe.
Why? Coz I only woke up at 11am and I slept for few hours after that coz of a headache -_-"
Yeah my bro is sick too. He got a fever. I think he recovered a bit already.
I'll continue blog in a bit. Somehow I didn't feel like uploading any photos today.
O.O I haven't do laundry yet coz I can't T_T I'm still thinking wut I should wear to work tomolo. Maybe I should wear baju kurung or my skirt? O.O omg~ the horror. Anyways, I dun really like to wear skirt to work coz somehow, my colleague got a way of asking too much question if I wear different than usual *sigh. Ni lah bz bodies ni -_-"
I had deep fried talapia, kailan fried with garlic and tom yam soup for dinner today. Forget about breakfast and lunch. Coz I had indo mee for breakfast and nothing for lunch hehe.
Why? Coz I only woke up at 11am and I slept for few hours after that coz of a headache -_-"
Yeah my bro is sick too. He got a fever. I think he recovered a bit already.
I'll continue blog in a bit. Somehow I didn't feel like uploading any photos today.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
"Office Terbuka" and HobbyCon Meeting at McD
Warning: This post is flooded with photos XD
Backdated post
Last Friday we haf an "office terbuka" hahaha ogielah, hari raya party *kunun~ Everyone was asked to bring something from home. So, here are the fewd for that day. Not quite everything but these are the most of it. I think.
homemade chocolate rice cake from one of my colleague. sedap wor~
kuah satay
nasi minyak?
rendang daging
salad. they bought this from pizza hut O.O but the scary part is the mayo and thousand island omg
kfc XD
my colleagues and me. hehe, well not everyone was there. besides the guys left for friday prayer mwahhaha XD
Something happened, and somebody was offended *cough. In this case, it's the auntie cleaner. I won't be telling u guys about the story coz it's kinda personal and I think it's better not to talk about ppl *cough. karma~ @_@
Pretty much it. I'll be sending and picking my sis to and from work for a week T_T *tsk~
HobbyCon Meeting (27 Oct 2007)
Today HobbyCon meeting is at McD Api Api center. I had to send my sis to work around 8:30am and meet the others at 9am. Suprisingly the person who set the time wasn't there yet. So, while waiting, I had breakie XD
it's been awhile since i last had big breakfast XD
must take group photo! XD
Planned meet up - canceled. -_-
Yes, I was suppose to meet up with my x colleague but she couldn't make it. -_-" lucky my sis and her fren was at Karamunsing. If not I "ku ling ling" alone at Karamunsing. Punya kesian.
My sis and her fren was at Usagi having their lunch. I got free lunch weeeeeeeeee.
wut i had is wakame udon RM12.90 @_@ I'm so full. loads of em seaweed i like~

O.O wow. My cat gave birth to 4 kittens and my sis's dog gave birth to 4 puppies O.O wow..ogie 4+4=8 *ding ding ding. Lucky! XD
I watched Aquamarine on Astro. Hehe, now my eyes are in pain. Need to sleep. Gnitey.
P/s: Mas coughing juz started O.O noiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis~~~!!! T_T
Backdated post
Last Friday we haf an "office terbuka" hahaha ogielah, hari raya party *kunun~ Everyone was asked to bring something from home. So, here are the fewd for that day. Not quite everything but these are the most of it. I think.

Pretty much it. I'll be sending and picking my sis to and from work for a week T_T *tsk~
HobbyCon Meeting (27 Oct 2007)
Today HobbyCon meeting is at McD Api Api center. I had to send my sis to work around 8:30am and meet the others at 9am. Suprisingly the person who set the time wasn't there yet. So, while waiting, I had breakie XD

2 person is missing in this photo. Lee who left earlier -_-" tapi se ada gambar mwahahhaha. And freyra who insisted to take the shot T_T
Lets brainstorm XD
Well, it's gewd to be updated on progress. Gimme moneh!!!! $_$ *kaching~
Lets brainstorm XD
Well, it's gewd to be updated on progress. Gimme moneh!!!! $_$ *kaching~

Yes, I was suppose to meet up with my x colleague but she couldn't make it. -_-" lucky my sis and her fren was at Karamunsing. If not I "ku ling ling" alone at Karamunsing. Punya kesian.
My sis and her fren was at Usagi having their lunch. I got free lunch weeeeeeeeee.

I had corn in cup and waffle for dinner XD

O.O wow. My cat gave birth to 4 kittens and my sis's dog gave birth to 4 puppies O.O wow..ogie 4+4=8 *ding ding ding. Lucky! XD
I watched Aquamarine on Astro. Hehe, now my eyes are in pain. Need to sleep. Gnitey.
P/s: Mas coughing juz started O.O noiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis~~~!!! T_T
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I think I went overboard with spending ^^;;;;
This morning, my dad was making jelly. I could smell it from my room (well that's cause the kitchen is exactly well roughly below my room). He was making a lot, I mean a lot for KKYS.
Since my office will have some kinda "rumah terbuka", we were asked to bring something from home or from somewhere. Sienz~ I wasn't informed when this is gonna be. It's actually will be on Friday, which means tomolo. I'm seriously lazy to attend this. I skipped last year's one even. Hehehe, told my colleague I didn't wanna join, she insisted I join this year *hiks~ Since that's the case, I decided to make jelly. Well, more like my dad made em for me. Thank yew dad! XD
This is wut I'll bring tomolo hehe.
I'm nearly done playing Phoenix Wright. Urgh, seems like no time to play today. FINE! I did play but only up till 5 ogie. Then I wanted to play but I'm bz doing some other stuff.

Er, it's not fat, she's pregnant *hiks~
I'd planned to go find "the big bag" for myself and maybe a running shoe (coz my previous running shoe a bit er...cacat). But instead, I was distracted with some other stuff. So, while we wait to know wut I bought for myself, first I'll post some fewd photos. Hehe. And I went to Japanese Dream Food at CP for dinner. Not as much but enuff for dinner. I'm on diet remember?
onsentamago RM2. sorry, couldn't resist. must have!
tenzaru soba. erm shared this with my sis. RM18
oi I'm not fewd!! -_-"" mwahahha i bring em everywhere I go.. MY PRECIOUS!!!
my new pants. i wanted a black one but they dun haf the size i wanted T_T *sob. i looked gewd in it though must cut coz i'm short XD
i can't decide. i know i'm greedy. i bought 3. teruknya~ i blame tina for this. she keeps saying buy. see wut happen? T_T
got these handphone thinggies free XD
And meet the new comfy pouch. Mas likey kitteh! XD
Since my office will have some kinda "rumah terbuka", we were asked to bring something from home or from somewhere. Sienz~ I wasn't informed when this is gonna be. It's actually will be on Friday, which means tomolo. I'm seriously lazy to attend this. I skipped last year's one even. Hehehe, told my colleague I didn't wanna join, she insisted I join this year *hiks~ Since that's the case, I decided to make jelly. Well, more like my dad made em for me. Thank yew dad! XD

I'm nearly done playing Phoenix Wright. Urgh, seems like no time to play today. FINE! I did play but only up till 5 ogie. Then I wanted to play but I'm bz doing some other stuff.

Er, it's not fat, she's pregnant *hiks~
I'd planned to go find "the big bag" for myself and maybe a running shoe (coz my previous running shoe a bit er...cacat). But instead, I was distracted with some other stuff. So, while we wait to know wut I bought for myself, first I'll post some fewd photos. Hehe. And I went to Japanese Dream Food at CP for dinner. Not as much but enuff for dinner. I'm on diet remember?

Guess wut's the gewd part. My sis paid for dinner. Wuah so nice XD
Before going home around 9:30pm, must have jasmine tea + pearl which cost RM3.50 hehe.
Before going home around 9:30pm, must have jasmine tea + pearl which cost RM3.50 hehe.

And, I found a new comfy pouch for my ndsl. Hehe. This was the previous cover *ehem~ yes, I know, please dun say anything. I couldn't find anything ogie!

I'm offended because...
This is one thing ppl shouldn't do to me. Coz it's pissing me off. I seriously hate ppl reminding me how much I earn and how much I save. It's seriously my gawddamn business! Mine ur own *sigh.
Like wut happened yesterday, "somebody" said I'm wasting money on ndsl. WTF?! It's my monehhh!!!! Not urs. They themselves organize their own cash flow so dun start comparing with wut I do or not do with my moneh! Seriously! -_-""
And today this? Telling me that I haf more money? O.O wut's that all about? huh? And seriously, I dun haf that much of money even by saving few hundred a month *sigh~ urgh~ Think with my current savings enuff to buy house ka? dui~ even my car my dad pay most of it oh. So tell me..how am I qualified as "the person with more money?" I got plans for my money oh. Look at my wish bin. Still got other stuff that I wanted to get oh. And that's juz like a lil part of it only.
Must play ndsl to distract meself. Must not stress or not feel hungry. *breathe~ inhale~ exhale~ huh~
Like wut happened yesterday, "somebody" said I'm wasting money on ndsl. WTF?! It's my monehhh!!!! Not urs. They themselves organize their own cash flow so dun start comparing with wut I do or not do with my moneh! Seriously! -_-""
And today this? Telling me that I haf more money? O.O wut's that all about? huh? And seriously, I dun haf that much of money even by saving few hundred a month *sigh~ urgh~ Think with my current savings enuff to buy house ka? dui~ even my car my dad pay most of it oh. So tell me..how am I qualified as "the person with more money?" I got plans for my money oh. Look at my wish bin. Still got other stuff that I wanted to get oh. And that's juz like a lil part of it only.
Must play ndsl to distract meself. Must not stress or not feel hungry. *breathe~ inhale~ exhale~ huh~
Spending time with reading blog posts
I took nearly 2 hours to finish reading roughly everyone's blog. Some I wanted to comment but error, can't post comment, terus malas. Didn't wanna try it again. Some, I dun feel like commenting (I dunno wut to comment). Some I did comment ah XD
I went through some of the blogs post from giuk.net oso.
I feel like eating onsentamago, but with the weather, I dun feel like going out. Yes, I know I'm at work. I mean after work la. I wanted to go shopping but gawd, I'm juz too lazy. Unless if somebody drive me weeeeeeee XD
Till the next blog post hmm.
I went through some of the blogs post from giuk.net oso.
I feel like eating onsentamago, but with the weather, I dun feel like going out. Yes, I know I'm at work. I mean after work la. I wanted to go shopping but gawd, I'm juz too lazy. Unless if somebody drive me weeeeeeee XD
Till the next blog post hmm.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Matter Arise
For those who went to the Borneo Orchid Show 2007 last August most probably receive this free coupon. Have anyone used this coupon yet?
Well, the story goes like this.
My mum intended to use this coupon today, but the shop claims that, this coupon only valid with developing 10 pcs of photo prints then only u'll get the extra free 10 pcs 4R prints.
The problem is, there's no written T&C at any side of the coupon to prove that we need to print 10 pcs before getting the 10 free pcs and it CLEARLY "ONLY" STATED Free 10 pcs 4R prints.
This doesn't make sense. And the coupon only expires at the end of Nov 2007. *confused.
This is discussed here.
Other story: I played picross whole day today, then back to PW (last case btw). My colleagues noticed me but they thought I was playing with my new phone O.O oh ogie. ^^;;;; *hiks~ oh and when auntie cleaner touch it, mas snapped a bit XD "no touchie touchie!" XD hehe~
Monday, October 22, 2007
Quest: Control Addition Towards NDSL
Till the next blog post, hmm though today can't look for slightly big bag coz I wanna go get cat fewd first XD
- I need a bigger bag. So I can fit my ndsl and my camera and bring em everywhere I go hehehe.
- I also need a pouch for my ndsl. Maybe I'll make one like wut amber did for pinkae, so cute. Such an inspiration. I got my casing already XD. But the funny thing is, when I was putting on the screen protector, my cat's furr got into it *hiks~
- I need to get cat fewd and litter. Some toiletries. Must not get junk fewd T_T this is one hard thing to do.
Till the next blog post, hmm though today can't look for slightly big bag coz I wanna go get cat fewd first XD
Saturday, October 20, 2007
My current obsession

TADA!!!!!!!!! I got my ndsl oledi. ICE BLUE! mwahhaha..sollie, still nekkid. Casing blum dapat. XD
Currently playing Phoenix Wright. OMG! Addictive.
Anyways, I got my ndsl from toybox. More like my bro got it for me, I only pass him the monehh XD I'm loving it! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
For enquiries, please visit clickstartplay.com
%$@%$@*&$%&^( STREAMYX!
Lousy connection urgh! I have to temporary use my sis's line to check the forum urgh!
Friday, October 19, 2007
My Trip to Tawau (Last)
The initial plan was to wake up and get breakfast early so that I could get some shots from the swimming pool area. But I end up waking up at 6am *hiks~ And as usual my eldest sis is the last one to wake up. Hence, the blaming *cough.
I heard the whole Tawau no electricity that morning? O.O har?
Had breakfast at around 7am. We had fried mee, fried eggs and homemade bread. Ogie, this part I gotta apologize coz ehehe I forgot to take photo. ^^;;
We were given passion fruit and bought some dragonfruit. Imagine the bags getting heavy *cough.
Going to the pool area O.O"" omg~ major exercise going on *cough XD Talking about steep. OMG! *catches breath. Huu~~ haa~~~ Lucky mum didn't join us, I dun think she can make the stairs hehe.
We with the 2 tourist went to the airport together since our flight is around the same time. The only difference is, we're going back to KK and they're going to KL. We went off at before 9:30am I think, dad wanted to stop by at the mosque to take photo. Yes, wanna know wut's so wonderful about this particular mosque.

Look at it! I'm dissapointed coz I didn't get to shoot it. Actually my dad asked me to take photos of it but I couldn't get out. -_-" sit at the wrong place, hard for me to go out T_T uhuhu~ I'm so going back to this place. So I can get tons of shot of this mosque.
Facts: The rocks are from the river. Interesting isn't it?
Express boarding is so much fun! XD Anyways, since we can't take photo at the airport. I take inside the plane, mwahahhaha! XD
I'm seriously feeling a bit F now. Wait, not a bit. I'm offended when my colleague said I look a bit chubby. Noiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! I feel like chubbers >.>" I wanna start on a diet and start jogging! HUH! Bersemangat ni! T_T But first, today go eat pizza first, next week the starvation begins!
Hope ya ppl enjoyed reading my messy blog post hehe XD I'll try to upload some other shots I took at my photo blog or something XD if rajin la hehe
I heard the whole Tawau no electricity that morning? O.O har?
Had breakfast at around 7am. We had fried mee, fried eggs and homemade bread. Ogie, this part I gotta apologize coz ehehe I forgot to take photo. ^^;;
We were given passion fruit and bought some dragonfruit. Imagine the bags getting heavy *cough.
Going to the pool area O.O"" omg~ major exercise going on *cough XD Talking about steep. OMG! *catches breath. Huu~~ haa~~~ Lucky mum didn't join us, I dun think she can make the stairs hehe.
We with the 2 tourist went to the airport together since our flight is around the same time. The only difference is, we're going back to KK and they're going to KL. We went off at before 9:30am I think, dad wanted to stop by at the mosque to take photo. Yes, wanna know wut's so wonderful about this particular mosque.

Look at it! I'm dissapointed coz I didn't get to shoot it. Actually my dad asked me to take photos of it but I couldn't get out. -_-" sit at the wrong place, hard for me to go out T_T uhuhu~ I'm so going back to this place. So I can get tons of shot of this mosque.
Facts: The rocks are from the river. Interesting isn't it?

I'm seriously feeling a bit F now. Wait, not a bit. I'm offended when my colleague said I look a bit chubby. Noiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! I feel like chubbers >.>" I wanna start on a diet and start jogging! HUH! Bersemangat ni! T_T But first, today go eat pizza first, next week the starvation begins!
Hope ya ppl enjoyed reading my messy blog post hehe XD I'll try to upload some other shots I took at my photo blog or something XD if rajin la hehe
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
My Trip to Tawau (Part 3)
I'm super duper confused @_@ arranging and typing this. Somehow while uploading photos and typing I got a bit lost with the details, hence the reading and re-typing again XD I know u ppl must be anxious to read the part 3. I'm sorry for taking so much time. But there are too many photos that I wanted to show to everyone and it's so hard to put words to describe it XD
15th October 2007 (Monday)
It's mum's b'day. Though it doesn't felt like it since we didn't get her anything hehe. Wut a weird feeling. Anyways, same as the day before, I had difficulties with sleeping. I end up waking up at 1:30am again and I was bugging my sis sleeping next to me by pulling her comforter XD yes I can't sleep. I heard my sis coughing from the next room. Hmm, how odd, I end up sleeping at 2am again and woke up at 6am. Funny thing is, I wasn't even sleepy (it must be the boredom).
Since I'm up so early, I'm the first one to go shower. Yes, we dun haf much thing to do except laze around or sleep hehe. Weird. Mum was a bit sick. I think she had too much chocolate or maybe the weather till she got migraine. She's been vomiting.
Our van will come and pick us up at 9am. There's plenty of time to waste *cough. Me and my sis did some camwhoring before we check out from the apartment. No I'm not gonna post it XD

We stop by around town to get something for breakfast but shops that are open didn't sell any interesting fewd. While waiting for the driver and dad to come back, we decided to camwhore inside the van. *cough. Dad came back with ice cream, some can drinks and snacks for us. I think it took less than 1 hour to get to Balung River Eco Resort. This is where we'll be staying for 1 day O.O"" yes, 1 day only oh~!

The resort located at least 20 mins from/to the airport along a gravel path from the main road. @_@ gravel road makes me dizzy. It started pouring rain as we started entering the gravel road. It's a miracle! It hasn't been raining lately it seems.
This resort is owned and run by Sabah's former Chief Minister, Datuk Harris Salleh, who is a dear friend of dad. I think along that bumpy ride, I couldn't stop asking whether we reach there yet. *rofl. Once reach there, we had brunch.
I had rice with fried chicken with garlic and that small portion is ginseng vege? very nice oh XD
I think I complained about the rain too. I remember telling my sis about how dissapointed I am if the rain didn't stop. I won't be able to get any shot if the rain won't stop T_T but luckily it did. So happy. Once the rain stop, we walked to our chalet. OMG! It's truly magnificent. Beautiful. If only we spend more time there, I could really get tons more shots from there.

who loves to swim? can swim XD we didn't get to swim T_T not enuff time *sigh
we can see the river from up here

Anyways, here's some shot of the chalet and room.

when u ask for extra bed. they seriously give u extra bed. XD imagine 3 this kind of bed in the room. wuah, our first thought was taht it might be juz matress XD but suprisingly, it's the same level bed XD punya siok
it's air conditioned XD
Some other types of chalet available.

Some other shots XD while waiting for Mr. Arun.
this is dad hinting at mum XD
look at my facial expression
this is a shot of the worker there. dad was excited to see him and asked me to get a shot of him. I would be happy to shoot him more than once but we were kinda in a hurry so only manage to get 1 T_T isk~
this was the river I told u about and we're driving through it XD
this is lyne. can u see the "misai kucing" (cat whiskers) at the back? they use this to make tea XD
checking out the factory
I'm not sure how the fishing subject came about but as we know it, my parents were talking about fishing O.O and guess wut? There's a fishing spot XD hehe. It looked kinda abandoned coz nobody go fishing. Well ad

I dun really like fishing. The only thing I like is taking photo XD So, yes, I took more than 60 photo at this place. I only hold that bamboo stick thinggie for few mins then I lazy oledi XD I know I know bad habit, I have no patience in fishing. Sorry. Who like fishing can fish with my mum, she loves it. ^^;
But we couldn't get any fish becoz of the time and the fish. Fish there went to school before. My sis said she saw the fishes showing themselves but they're not fooled by the bait -_-"
We went back around after 6pm. Mum could go on without sleep if she could but dad insist to go back. Guess he's hungry hehe.
fried chicken with ginger. like the one i had in the morning?
tom yam soup
vege. er sorry i dunno wut is this called. i tot the same as this morning? ginseng but i'm not sure hehe gomen~
This is the fun thing for me since I like to capture insects. Ehem. Yes, a lot of this particular one. I actually saw a big dragonfly but it's a bit too far for me to reach. At the ceiling, near the fluorescent light. I'm not that tall ogie! T_T
Since my eldest sis, Lyne was the last one to finish, we (dad, me and 2nd sis) went back to our room. They met this couple from Holland. It's the guy's b'day and mum's b'day too. They gave us some chocolate cake. Hehe XD

Thought of watching tv but we all end up sleeping ^^;.
Pretty much it but I got more photos to show. I know this post looked kinda messy. I'm sorry. It's too long till I myself blur liao @_@ gomen~
Last post coming up.
15th October 2007 (Monday)
It's mum's b'day. Though it doesn't felt like it since we didn't get her anything hehe. Wut a weird feeling. Anyways, same as the day before, I had difficulties with sleeping. I end up waking up at 1:30am again and I was bugging my sis sleeping next to me by pulling her comforter XD yes I can't sleep. I heard my sis coughing from the next room. Hmm, how odd, I end up sleeping at 2am again and woke up at 6am. Funny thing is, I wasn't even sleepy (it must be the boredom).
Since I'm up so early, I'm the first one to go shower. Yes, we dun haf much thing to do except laze around or sleep hehe. Weird. Mum was a bit sick. I think she had too much chocolate or maybe the weather till she got migraine. She's been vomiting.
Our van will come and pick us up at 9am. There's plenty of time to waste *cough. Me and my sis did some camwhoring before we check out from the apartment. No I'm not gonna post it XD

We stop by around town to get something for breakfast but shops that are open didn't sell any interesting fewd. While waiting for the driver and dad to come back, we decided to camwhore inside the van. *cough. Dad came back with ice cream, some can drinks and snacks for us. I think it took less than 1 hour to get to Balung River Eco Resort. This is where we'll be staying for 1 day O.O"" yes, 1 day only oh~!

The resort located at least 20 mins from/to the airport along a gravel path from the main road. @_@ gravel road makes me dizzy. It started pouring rain as we started entering the gravel road. It's a miracle! It hasn't been raining lately it seems.
This resort is owned and run by Sabah's former Chief Minister, Datuk Harris Salleh, who is a dear friend of dad. I think along that bumpy ride, I couldn't stop asking whether we reach there yet. *rofl. Once reach there, we had brunch.

I think I complained about the rain too. I remember telling my sis about how dissapointed I am if the rain didn't stop. I won't be able to get any shot if the rain won't stop T_T but luckily it did. So happy. Once the rain stop, we walked to our chalet. OMG! It's truly magnificent. Beautiful. If only we spend more time there, I could really get tons more shots from there.

how convenient, got toilet XD
This place is surrounded by many different plants, fruits, flowers, insects, birds and etc. Truly amazing! The resort offers 73 chalet-type rooms. There's tv with astro at the reception area. TV is also provided at the chalet only without astro. I think you have to be at the right position if you wanna get gewd reception. But definately got reception for all telecommunication services. Which I think is convenient, but nobody bother to sms or call me T_T hehe.

dragonfruit plant on a tree
Anyways, since it's the season for dragonfruit, here's wut we had. 1kg of dragonfruit XD fresh! I do think the white one taste better than the red/pink one in this case. I like~
Anyways, here's some shot of the chalet and room.

Some other types of chalet available.

Some other shots XD while waiting for Mr. Arun.

First off, we went to the place where they make "gula nira". Going there we get to go through the river, where the bridge is not above water. You can see water flowing on the bridge. But too bad I didn't get any shot of it coz I was in the car and my camera wasn't ready yet hehe.
My sis said I couldn't get to shoot this dragonfly coz it'll fly away when ppl walk by. But guess wut? I manage XD I told her that we need time to let the dragonfly get comfortable with the surrounding then we can shoot em. See! XD I manage to get 2 shot. It's not too much fun coz too much sunlight.

pokok kopi. when i was younger, we used to go to "kebun" to pick biji kopi XD it was fun though i hate getting mosquito bite
It's er some kinda sugar. We get to drink also. Ogie, this is where it is funny. Why? Coz the smell of the drink omg~ @_@ Dad quoted: "bau air longkang". Gee, thanks dad -_-" make it hard for me to drink. But once I start sipping from the glass, it actually taste nice. It tasted like coconut.

My sis said I couldn't get to shoot this dragonfly coz it'll fly away when ppl walk by. But guess wut? I manage XD I told her that we need time to let the dragonfly get comfortable with the surrounding then we can shoot em. See! XD I manage to get 2 shot. It's not too much fun coz too much sunlight.

I'm not sure how the fishing subject came about but as we know it, my parents were talking about fishing O.O and guess wut? There's a fishing spot XD hehe. It looked kinda abandoned coz nobody go fishing. Well ad

I dun really like fishing. The only thing I like is taking photo XD So, yes, I took more than 60 photo at this place. I only hold that bamboo stick thinggie for few mins then I lazy oledi XD I know I know bad habit, I have no patience in fishing. Sorry. Who like fishing can fish with my mum, she loves it. ^^;
But we couldn't get any fish becoz of the time and the fish. Fish there went to school before. My sis said she saw the fishes showing themselves but they're not fooled by the bait -_-"
We went back around after 6pm. Mum could go on without sleep if she could but dad insist to go back. Guess he's hungry hehe.

Since my eldest sis, Lyne was the last one to finish, we (dad, me and 2nd sis) went back to our room. They met this couple from Holland. It's the guy's b'day and mum's b'day too. They gave us some chocolate cake. Hehe XD

Pretty much it but I got more photos to show. I know this post looked kinda messy. I'm sorry. It's too long till I myself blur liao @_@ gomen~
Last post coming up.
To be continued...
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