These past few days, I've been ranting about the internet connection at home. I blamed tmNUT for screwing up my line. Well, the telekom people came and fixed the telephone line, heck, they even pulled a new line. But that's not what's funny. The funny part is that we actually didn't pay our internet bill for 5 months *rofl. Oh man, imagine that, hey it's their fault coz they didn't send us the bill, my dad even thought it's free, well more like previously we had this problem where we payed 2 months extra *rofl. So, our total to be paid to telekom was RM440 *rofl. Seriously, I can't stop laughing about it coz it's nearly half a year before they decided to cut if off *rofl. I'm sorry, it's too amusing for me.
I got heaps and tons of tags from people. I can't remember how many but I know there's few. I'm gonna relax and take some time to do it, don't tell me you guys want me to do it after this post coz it'll make my blog filled with tags XD we won't want that do we?
My day started off kinda boring. I overslept. Yes, I woke up around 7am with a headache. I nearly skip work today but decided to force myself to go work. Yes, actually I wanted to edit some photos at home coz the computer at work is slow, I mean uber slow. I waited for parking for half an hour. But all that is worth it! My friend, Azila or better know as Jilla (gozilla *cough cough XD) smsed me this morning. It's been so long since I last met her, heck it's been years. I'm gonna try to make time to go JB!!!! I miss her. Anyways, we were smsing till she decided to call me. It was fun! We were on video call. JILLA I MISS YOU!!!!! Thanks for calling. *hugs! YAH!!! massy "jakun", never tried video call before. Heck I should call Aizam with video call uh oh I wanna talk with Amsyar XD Cute lil fella~
There's gonna be a Chit-Chat/Hang Out session with BLue tonight! More info, here.
Anyways, here's some photos from the other day. I had dinner with the family (except my dad and my 2nd sis). Fewd photos coming. For those who's fasting, please skip this part, thank yew.

We went to Nok Thai Restaurant at Damai Plaza last Friday. *stomach growls.
Oh yeah, they have lunch set btw. If it wasn't fasting month, I would go there for lunch! *slurps~
the chips are complementary, the tom yam was great and the cendol, I'll pass that to my bro since he love it so much

mango fish, fried eggplant and fried fish with salted duck egg XD nyum~
Check out em raves, here.Last but not least, FACEBOOK APPLICATIONS ARE EBIL!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!
*Thinks for a moment
Did I forget anything ka? Er, lets leave it till later then. Have a pleasant day people!
FB apps are useless actually...most of them...
ReplyDeleteI never try mango fish before but i did tried salted fish + mango..oh lala, so sadap! The tomyam looks delicious..ummm. lapar T_T
ReplyDeleteDan: I know but I can't seem to stop clicking the mouse >.<""" HELP! HEILPPP~~~
ReplyDeletemell: yeah sedap tu, oh I'm hungry @_@
Aisehmannn.. why la you come up with this yummy food photos during this ramadhan.. the time now is just 10.44am.. waaahhh!! lama lagi sungkai this!
ReplyDeleteeshark: yahhh aku sengaja XD memandangkan i'm hungry too XD besides, buring bah if text sija XD
ReplyDeletewow, 6 months? Maybe I shud switch to TMnet cos with my Jaring connection, the moment I'm one day late, the connection suspended already ...
ReplyDeletenick: funny isn't it?
ReplyDeletemassyyyy!! OMG.. they start cutting oredi kah?? hahaha.. last i paid pun in FEB!! OMG!!! hahahahahahaahhaa... everytime connection sucks or terdisconnect kan, I'm thinking alaa.. matilah.. have to pay oredi. But then sambung balik and I say, nantilah!! ROTFL!
ReplyDeleteshemah: LOL we didn't know bah. itu yang paling kuyak tu. my dad pun thought it might be free hahaha punya lucu XD
ReplyDeleteWhen i go back to KK definitely gonna try this shop ;-)
ReplyDeletegina: yeah u should XD sedap tu
ReplyDeletei have always pass this shop n been itching to try it. LOL. thanks for the pic. am trying out there soon.
ReplyDeletefara. makan sana siok tu XD sedap oh XD *slurps~
ReplyDeleteohh it's in damai... nice
ReplyDeleteAj yeah sedap tu..i'm skipping that ghost post oso XP
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