
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Meet The Robinsons

This is an animation by Walt Disney. I dun owez like it except for Finding Nemo, well maybe Charlotte's Web too, definately not Shrek. I didn't like Shrek. But I gotta say, I love this "Meet The Robinsons" movie. From start as I started watching, I know I would love it, why? Actually I somehow got a feeling that I would love it. And I was right, I started loving it more the moment I heard the soundtrack. I could seriously recognize the voice!!! It's RUFUS WAINWRIGHT!!! OMG! So getting the OST! I so love him ha~~~ music to my ears~

Anyways, enuff about me going crazy about *cough him. I'm actually gonna give ya some brief introduction about this movie. Yes, animation, hence 3D. Oh, dun ask me how was it, I would really care more about the storyline. It's great!

The story is about a kid, Lewis, who was left by his mother on 1 rainy day at the orphanage. He's a science geek. His life is all about invention stuff. But most of his invention doesn't work. Nobody wanted to adopt him. He actually have a record of the number of times he had an adoption interview. One day, as he had a conversation with his caretaker, she sort of gave him an idea to invent a machine that enables a person to see their past through their memory. So, he started inventing it. Till the day at the Science Fair he didn't get to test it coz he was late. His roomie, who loves baseball couldn't sleep coz Lewis was bz inventing the machine. At the fair, he met a kid who told him dat he's from the future.

Now I'm not gonna tell u wut happen, go watch it! XD It's great! Well, hope you guys love it as I did XD


  1. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Rufus Wainwright ... a great canuck!!
    His sister is also very talented.

  2. oh yes. i know his family members are line of artist...yet to check out his sister..maybe i should thanx XD
