Anyways, not quite the main point.
Did anyone hear the news about Thai Baht? Anybody going to Thailand? It's a gewd time to change ur money now! Thai Baht dropped. Woo~
Yesterday, I guess I was in a really gewd mood. Decided to go off early (only 30 mins early la) to pick up my sis at her work place. Well it's not that far and since she got off at 4pm. Normally I would be pissed if she even 5 mins late. But yeap, as I was saying, I'm in a really gewd mood. I planned to go to Karamunsing but she decided wanted to go to Wisma Merdeka. Not such a gewd choice but we went there. BIG MISTAKE! Who's the one suffering? ME! Cut the story short, I was turning here and there for I guess an hour or so juz to look for parking. So where did I manage to park? Sanaaaaa Wisma Sabah. We still have to walk u know. Lucky I haf slipper in my car. So I no need to torture my leg with heels (barely). Though, I do think my sis suffer in this matter coz she was wearing heels which seems to me doesn't really fit her huge feet hehehehehe...
First thing we did is to find fewd. Yes I'm dead hungry with all the turning and I had brunch at 10am so yeap, I deserve a meal! We went to the fewd court and had fish and chips. Cost at RM4.95 and the taste was so so ok, I dun have too much to complain. If I wasn't that hungry, I would probably skip it. I like to eat the pizza and spagetti there but erm, I gotta say the fish was kinda raw. I still can taste the flour. >_<"

After dinner, went around for a bit and I guess her feet was suffering too much that she decided to give up and go home. *hiks~ So we did. We reached home at around 8:30pm and I told mum that I wanted to watch Grey's Anatomy at 9pm. I got a problem with having the person I hate in the same room. I'll somehow annoy them *hiks. Yes, I know it's bad but I can't help myself but being annoyed for the person being there. Guess wut I did? Kinda childish I know but who could blame me? "I'm NOT perfect and I'm only HUMAN!" I was putting on Indo Songs and singing to it loudly. Oh one song I guess I dedicated to "that" person. Hwahahahah.
Went off to bed at around I guess nearly 11pm. Somehow woke up coz somebody didn't sleep yet *sigh. Somebody gotta move to another room. Seriously!

Alamak, I'm not planning to go Thailand! Maybe I should! I can spend more on shopping for things I like! *laughs*
ReplyDeleteWell, I like the fish and chips plate, its kinda appropriate. But I don't really order fish and chips when I'm out. I go for chicken, haha!
You know, I was laughing when you repeated 'gewd'..seems like your 'gewd' mood infected me too, haha!
Cheers, Hui Wen =)
P.S. So early dah update, haha...not even 12 p.m. I'm going to update later. And thanks for adding me under your links. I guess I'll do the same too. But you have to remind me if you still don't see your name there...Erm anyway, which nickname would you prefer: Massy or Maslight?
aceone: go go get it change now!!!!
ReplyDeletehuiwen: hehehe thanks for visiting. umm..i dun mind. maslight is kinda my trademark name and massy is juz er kinda like a nickname for either one oso can :) and oh, btw, *guilty, i barely haf work to do at office, am like playing maple story everyday. how free i could be? really.
I'm a FISH LOVER!!! uh uh, got this japanese restaurant here called Japanese Dream Train or something like that? I owez order the fish set >_<" ahhh gewd to hear that i've inspired somebody today with my gewd mood hehehe...but guess wut? most of the things i do is by inspiration of others blog/design/photos :)
er..massy...gimme some of tht good mood of yours hehe...i need it...very bad..owh..i wonder who was the person sharing ur room?? ur husband?? erk...did i break da secret ? heeh
ReplyDeleteexcuse sis la...who else..geez
ReplyDeleteoo..ur sis hehehe...which sis??
ReplyDelete2nd sis ...
ReplyDelete2nd sis ...